A student to a Culture Scholar

I met a Culture Scholar

Well, let's take a step back; I didn't really know him as a culture scholar, but what I did know is that he finessed words and expressions validating my New Jersey accent, mixed with City swag and a love for culture that lives in my marrow, but robbed by the necessity to assimilate - endure - the certainty that culture is us and we are culture.

That is a lecture I want to be present for. A book I can’t wait to read.

I met a Culture Scholar

He said, ‘Create the content .’

So I created a piece.

Fine Art Painted with Large Brushstrokes

This idea of culture for those outside of culture is fine art painted with large brushstrokes - which leaves a canvas messy.  You can see a thing, but it’s left unrecognizable.  It wants to be, but it’s lost in layers of judgment by folks who don’t value its nuance. Perhaps, culture would benefit from more contributors and less critique.  

If we should critique, let the critique expand our thinking. In ways that open minds emotively, to understand better, to welcome in.


Notes on Heros…